Friday, June 11, 2010

Katie & Gene 1.16.10

Katie and Gene are an amazing Navy couple I had the pleasure of working with last year. They met overseas, while serving our country and fell in love :)

At the time they hired me they were both based in Italy and needed someone to take the reigns to pull together the remaining details of their January 2010 event. I was honored to be a part of it.

Katie loves the color blue and was happy to have it everywhere, along with Bom Blue Orchid she fell in love with online that she new she had to have. So her wish was my command. Everything was done in different shades of blue. I created invitations, menus, programs, table numbers and mini seating charts for this event as well. All of the elements included this favorite color.

The end result was a lovely event for about 60 guests with a ceremony @ St. Hugh and reception at the Rusty Pelican.
Best moment of the night for me? Seeing my one seemingly conservative Navy JAG Lawyer breaking it down with her new husband on the dance floor :) They had an amazing time and that truly makes all the hard work worth it!

Here are some pictures I took of the evening as well as some professional pictures by Mayfly Photography.

Ceremony: St Hugh Catholic Church
Reception: The Rusty Pelican
Flowers: Gil Sosa
Music: The DJ Connection
Photo: Mayfly Photography

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